The ‘Queers for Palestine’ movement has been around for several years now, but there’s no doubt it gained a lot of traction and attention after the horrible events of October 7th and the world-wide pro-Palestinian demonstrations that ensued. Don’t believe me? Here’s a Google Trend chart of the last five years for the term Queers for Palestine:
You can clearly see how the term reached peak popularity during the week of October 8th to October 14th, and that the vast majority of the searches appear after that week. One more good example for this newly gained traction is the Instagram account of Queers for Palestine. It was created in October 2023, and published its first post on October 18th.
The notion of Queers for Palestine doesn’t make sense to most people, and it is often met with raised eyebrows, shrugs and eyerolls, or straight up ridicule. Chickens for KFC, cows for McDonald’s, and turkeys for Thanksgiving are just some of the jokes and memes the internet has come up with since these individuals entered our lives, and there are many more.
Most people believe Queers for Palestine are a bunch of clueless children who are too stupid to know what’s good for them. After all, why would anyone proudly and loudly support people who openly believe you deserve to die, and even act upon that belief any chance they get? That’s just crazy, right?
Well, I am here to tell you it’s not crazy. In fact, once you really delve into the matter, and particularly after you learn about the Palestinian struggle and how it shaped the Palestinian national identity and the ideology at its core, it actually makes perfect sense. I have broken my hypothesis into three layers – the psychological and the pathological layers which are more general, and the ideological layer which relates more to Islam and to the Palestinians specifically. Most of the meat of this article is found under ‘The Queer Nation of Palestine’ and there’s also a bottom line section you can skip to in case you’re in a hurry. Let’s begin.
The Psychology behind Queers for Palestine
The first layer of Queers for Palestine we are going dissect is the psychological layer. This layer consists of two very primal needs of the human psyche – the need for a struggle and the need for redemption or absolution. It is worth noting that these needs are not unique to the queer support for Palestine, and in fact they play a key role in much of the young (predominantly white) western liberal adoption of the Palestinian narrative.
The need for a struggle
Struggle is an integral part of the human condition. Struggle exists because suffering exists, and we as humans have a choice either to try to alleviate it, or succumb to it. This is of course a very simplified take to a very complicated question that has been with us since the moment we woke up as a species and became aware of our own existence.
One of the best modern adaptations of this ancient question, is the iconic Matrix trilogy (which incidentally was created by two very prominent trans or queer figures). The first scene that comes to my mind in the context of the need for a struggle is the one where Agent Smith interrogates Morpheus and tells him about the failure of the first matrix and how he personally believes that us humans define ourselves through misery.
A meaningful struggle is such an essential element to our lives, that if we don’t have actual problems, we will eventually come up with pretend ones just to get a faux sense of purpose and righteousness. Just ask Louis C.K
It is no secret that most of the trans and queer identifying kids come from upper class, well off, predominately white urban families. For many of them it is a way to kill two birds with one stone – they get a chance to deal with “a serious issue” and an opportunity to cry oppression in a culture that worships victimhood and obsessed with virtue signaling.
But the problem with fake struggles is that at one point the thrill wears off and you need a stronger substitute. And you won’t find a stronger substitute then a Jihad – a unique combo of a just holy war and a spiritual inner struggle. If struggles were pastries, a Jihad would be a Cinnabon glazed with heroin.
The need for redemption
Like much of the extremely conscientious young white people in The West, Queers for Palestine are also consumed by guilt. That is because post-Modern education has incessantly told them that they are all collectively responsible and must pay for the original sin their culture has committed, and in fact is still committing simply by existing and enjoying the vile fruit of said sin.
The original sin of current white culture in the US and Europe is Colonialism. According to post-Modern logic, colonialism (along with its two main culprits – Capitalism and Christianity) is the root of every evil or suffering we see around us today. From inequality and white privilege, through refugees and immigration, and all the way to climate change and environmental justice.
The problem is you can’t really fight or abolish colonialism nowadays, as it doesn’t really exist in the world anymore. So what do you do instead? That’s simple! First – pick a country which is a safe and easy target. Second – label said country colonialist by distorting facts and creating a false narrative. And finally – fight it bravely and loudly while making sure everyone else sees you do it.
Israel is the witch the mob wants to burn because they project their own crimes and failures onto her. It is the virgin they are willing to throw into the volcano to appease their gods. It is the holy water their quazi-priests told them to use in order to wash off their sins. Or, if you will, it is the piñata all these childish activists think that once they break it, a rain of candies will pour down on them and all will be good in the world.
All this is not to say that the guilt young liberals feel isn’t real, or that their motives in supporting Palestine are insincere or not rooted in actual empathy. Quite the contrary, I honestly believe that they are part of the most empathetic and well-intentioned generation that ever walked this earth, and that they are simply misguided and taken advantage of. However, when it comes to Queers for Palestine, I do not believe this is also the case, and that leads to the next part of this article.
The Pathologies of Queers for Palestine
Queers for Palestine, like the vast majority of the T and Q people of the LGBTQ acronym, exhibit the core trait of narcissism – i.e the compulsive need for everyone around them to perceive them exactly as they perceive themselves. And we all know what happens when you don’t affirm their feelings and self-perception. They simply cannot handle it.
But this inability to accommodate different views and opinions is only one of the pathologies narcissistic individuals so often demonstrate. The two other very common narcissistic pathologies are the false sense that everything is (or needs to be) about them and viewing other individuals as mere extensions of one’s personality with no agency of their own. They both come into play here.
There’s an I in Caring
Queers for Palestine could have easily attended pro-Palestinian rallies holding regular signs of support. They could have also made videos talking about Palestine without saying a single word about their queerness and why it is extra important for them to stand with Palestine specifically because they queer. But they don’t do that, and I would even argue that they are incapable of that.
Why? Because for them it is a great opportunity to highjack the conversation and make it all about them – all while virtue signaling and pandering to their own audience. They just know that once they bring their identity into the discussion, we will fall into their stupid trap and the conversation will no longer be about Palestine. Instead, we will find ourselves talking about pride, queerness and pinkwashing. We fall for that every time, and even if it is only to make fun of them, they still get the attention they crave so much.
But no U in worldview
The sad part is that there nothing we can really say to them that will cause them to change their mind about this issue. In fact, there is nothing even Palestinians can say or do, that will make Queers for Palestine reconsider their position about the conflict.
Palestinian may say they hate gay people and don’t really want their support and still Queers for Palestine will embrace them. Palestinians may even kill homosexuals by throwing them off the roof tops in Gaza and young western liberals who profess to be pro-gay will nonetheless view them as the good guys, all while claiming their own governments (under which gay people are safe from persecution) are far more bigoted, oppressive, and guilty of pinkwashing.
Why? Because in the mind of a narcissist other people don’t really have agency, as they are mostly just an extension of one’s self. This is all a part of the “everything is about me” mechanism, only here they also apply it on a broader level of their self-identity – namely their country, their culture, and their race.
Like many other young people in the west who were taught to hate their heritage, Queers for Palestine think that when someone on the other side of the world commits evil acts, it is probably has something to do with what their own culture had done in the past or still does in the present. At the same time, they also believe that those evil acts indicate a failure on their part to somehow make them not do it. In their mind, those people couldn’t have possibly done whatever they did simply because they have their own worldview, or because they subscribe to a different set of values and ideals, because how could it not be about them?
That is exactly why Queers for Palestine don’t care about what the Quran says about gender, or how Muslim cultures treat homosexuality. They honestly think that they can and will win them over. You know, once the old and evil West is abolished, and the true West (as they will graciously shape it for us) will take its place and thus making everything right in the world.
The ideology that drives Queers for Palestine
It’s really not that hard to guess why from an ideological standpoint, Queers for Palestine chose to stand with the Palestinians.
First of all, as part of the progressive Left, they were taught to immediately side with the group deemed as the oppressed against whoever was deemed as the oppressor. This is one of the core tenets of their ideology. Pure and simple.
Second, as I mentioned earlier in this article, they were sold a false narrative with a bill of goods attached to it. According to which, Israel is a western white colonialist entity and by joining the fight against it they are redeeming themselves and washing away their past collective sins.
Third – and this might be more specific to Queer for Palestine and their need to force their world view, personal beliefs, and self-perception onto others – I personally believe that the authoritarian and punitive nature of Islam (which in fact means submission and not peace) is very appealing to them and they are unconsciously drawn to it.
But those are the reasons on the surface only. There is a far deeper reason why Queers of Palestine are aligned with the Palestinians, and it is the common features that play a defining role in the identity of each group.
The Queer Nation of Palestine
It is quite remarkable how many similarities there are between the Palestinian national identity and postmodern gender identities like trans and queer – both in the premise and in the ideological principals behind each of them. These similarities can be found in the era they were formed, the reasons they were formed, and in the manner in which they were formed and are now applied. Let’s break down each aspect.
Modern is the new ancient
The first similarity between postmodern gender identities and the Palestinian national identity is the simple fact that they are both relatively new concepts. They both may claim to have existed since forever and work tirelessly to pass off as ancient, but the reality is that the ideological foundations for both identities were laid down in the 1920s, and the identities themselves started to gain momentum in the 1960s – both in the form of a struggle for liberation.
The queer identity, much like all the new gender identities that seem to be popping up like mushrooms after the rain these days, are the product of Critical Gender Theory. Critical Gender Theory is the academic brainchild of scholars like Michel Foucault, John Money and later on also Judith Butler. It took shape in the second half of the 20th century, but its roots can be traced back to the work of the Frankfurt School on Critical Theory in the first half of the same century.
The Palestinian national identity is also a child of the 60s. It was officially incorporated into the Arab narrative only in 1964 with the establishment of the PLO, along with the formulation of the Palestinian National Covenant and the design of Palestinian flag (which was actually copied and pasted from the Kingdom of Hijaz in the Arab Peninsula). The Palestinian national movement itself also started around the 1920s mainly as a counter movement to Zionism and the momentum it had gained after the Balfour Declaration.
The funny thing is that for a long time this movement actually rejected Palestinian Nationalism. Here are two main resolutions from the first congress which was held in 1919:
- “We consider Palestine nothing but part of Arab Syria and it has never been separated from it at any stage. We are tied to it by national, religious, linguistic, moral, economic, and geographic bounds.”
- “Our district Southern Syria or Palestine should be not separated from the Independent Arab Syrian Government and be free from all foreign influence and protection.”
This notion of unity with Greater Syria was mostly abandoned later after realizing it does more harm than good to the Palestinian cause, and thus the Palestinian identity of ancient indigenous people as we know it today was born. But some prominent Palestinian figures kept holding it even after 1964 and the formation of the PLO. Here is a short clip of Azmi Bishara – a former Member of Knesset of Arab descent from an Israeli talk show taped on Feb 18th 1995, in which he denies the Palestinian National Identity and says it is a colonialist invention.
Note how all the other participants of the panel, who are left-leaning Jewish Israelis are surprised by his statements. The woman even jokingly says that now they will have to protect him (presumably from Palestinian nationalists). By the way, Azmi Bishara was known as a strong advocate for the abolishment of the Jewish state. He traveled abroad and held meetings with Syrian, Lebanese, and even Iranian elements, for which he was even prosecuted, but the charges were eventually dropped because of his immunity. In 2007 he fled Israel after he was accused of being a spy for Hezbollah and that he handed them valuable intel during the war with Lebanon in 2006.
Regardless of whether these allegations were actually true or not, I don’t think anyone can say Bishara is pro-Israeli, or that he made these statements about Palestine as a Zionist agent.
I claim, therefore I am! (and always was)
The basic premise of all the new gender identities is self-proclamation. People need only to identify themselves as a man, a woman, queer, trans, nonbinary, or whatever they feel like – and BAM! They immediately become what they identify as, regardless of how much basis their new identity actually has in reality, and no one is allowed to challenge it. Furthermore, this new identity applies retroactively, and therefore all records must be changed and retrofitted accordingly to support and validate it. Any mentioning of the old identity is like treading on dangerous ground, and the actual use of it is considered to be an act of violence, regardless of intent.
The Palestinian national identity is much like that. Palestinians may identify themselves as the indigenous people of the land, but this claim has no actual basis in history, religion, ethnography, archeology, and even linguistics – because Arabic is not native to this particular part of the world.
Contrary to Palestinian claims, there is no recorded evidence that a Palestinian nation has ever existed before the Jews came and “stole” it – sovereign or otherwise. There are no books nor religious text (including The Quran) mentioning a Palestinian state or a people. Nor are there any ancient scrolls, murals, tombs, coins, artifacts, or any other kind of archeological findings that corroborates the existence of a Palestinian nation.
The Death of Definitions and Termination of Terms
Having no evidence to back your claims is a serious problem. One of the ways in which both gender activists like Queers for Palestine and Palestinian nationalist get around it, is through the manipulation of definitions.
In the case of gender activists, it is all quite clear because everything is done out in the open. They simply created a new concept called gender and now they use it as a pretext to change basic definitions of sex, biology and even grammar.
In the case of Palestinian nationalism however, everything was done on the down-low and relatively speaking, a long time ago. The definition that was manipulated in order to substantiate the Palestinian identity and give it a hold in reality, is that of the word ‘refugee’.
The normal definition of refugee according to the United Nations is as follows:
“owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it”
The definition of ‘refugee’ when it pertains to Palestinians is different. Here is the working definition for Palestinian refugees as it was set by UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) – the organization set by the UN to deal the Arab refugees that fled from a war they themselves initiated:
“Persons whose normal place of residence was Palestine during the period 1 June 1946 to 15 May 1948, and who lost both home and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 conflict.”
Note the omission of concrete concepts in the new definition. In the normal definition we have defining characteristics like country, nationality, or habitual residence and clear reasons like fear, persecution, inability, and unwillingness. That it because there was never nation, a country or a state known as Palestine – only a place. That is why they couldn’t work with the current definition of refugee and apply it on Palestinians.
Weirdly, the only thing which is more concrete in UNRWA definitions for refugee is the time frame, and it is extremely short – slightly less than two years to be exact. This is also because they know that the term “former habitual residence” from the main term cannot be applied in this case.
Sadly, the manipulation of definitions doesn’t stop here. In the next paragraph from UNRWA’s definition we also find this short but crucial sentence:
“The descendants of Palestine refugee males, including adopted children, are also eligible for registration.”
That’s right. Palestinian refugee status is “assigned at birth” regardless of place and circumstances. You could be born into a very wealthy family in a First World country, yet you are considered to be a refugee from a place that neither you, nor your parents, and sometime not even grandparents have fled from. That is how we got from about 750,000 “refugees” in 1950, to 5.9 million today (both figures according to UNRWA).
These changes to the terms and definitions of what constitutes a refugee is the backbone of the Palestinian national identity. In fact, I dare say the Palestinian identity wouldn’t have survive without it, because the perpetuation of the refugee status is what kept all the yet-to-self-identify as Palestinians from being assimilated in the countries they fled to, which for many of them it was also the place they immigrated from not much prior to that. That is why they had to add the conveniently vague term “normal place of residence” followed by a significantly shortened time frame.
National Identity Theft
The manipulation of definition is meant to do one thing, and one thing only – to allow people to claim to be something they are not. Or in other words – to appropriate someone else’s identity. In the case Queers for Palestine, we are talking about people’s gender identity. In the case of the Palestinians, we are talking about a people’s national identity.
Queers for Palestine, just like all gender activists, believe that it’s okay for a man to appropriate women’s identity. Actually, they don’t even see it as appropriation because to them anyone who identify as a woman is indeed a woman. Therefore, it is perfectly fine for men to dress as women, put on makeup, and even interact with young children while in this state of what can only be described as “womanface”. Not only that, but he should also be included in traditionally women-only spaces and domains as he is and always was a woman. Even if we’re talking about a very violent individual with a record of hurting and abusing women.
It is exactly the same with Jews and Palestinians. Palestinians are essentially Arabs in “Jewface” or “trans-jews” if you will. They have appropriated the Jewish ethos to the very core of their national identity. They took for themselves a name originating from the Hebrew Bible, they claim to have a statehood in the Holy Land since ancient times, and that Jerusalem was their ancient capital and the center of their spiritual life. Furthermore, their modern narrative and national ethos are now largely based on having gone through a genocide and being forced to live in the Diaspora away from their “ancient homeland”. The number of “Palestinian refugees” now approaches six million. Does that figure ring a bell?
Ethno-fluidity and liquid state
Queers for Palestine have one more thing in common with the Palestinians. Whether they are aware of that or not – they both chose to embrace a lie for their own gain.
According to a recent survey, one in six adults in Generation Z in America consider themselves LGBTQ. That number is expected to go nowhere but up and it’s not hard to see why – kids nowadays are encouraged, incentivized, and rewarded with social capital and victim status once they go down the queer aisle. Bill Maher had a fantastic New Rule segment about this a couple of years ago, and no one can accuse him of being Far Right.
The Palestinians are doing the same thing. They identify as indigenous because it benefits them geopolitically in the conflict against Israel. But every once in a while, when the circumstances call for it, they rediscover their Arab roots and discard the Palestinian ethos faster than you can say “deadnaming”.
The most famous example of this is a 1977 interview of Zuheir Mohsen, a member of the Executive Committee of the PLO, to the Dutch newspaper Trouw, in which he has stated the following:
“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism.”
“For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we claim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan”.
A more recent example, and far more dramatic at that, is the interview of Fathi Hammad, Hamas Minister of the Interior and National Security, on Egyptian T.V from March 2012.
It is quite clear that at the level of leadership, Palestinians know their identity is false. But on the street level it is a completely different story, thanks to years of brainwashing carried by the Palestinian education system.
What is a woman? a Palestinian?
Nothing demonstrates the ideological resemblance between the Palestinian national identity and the postmodern gender identity better than asking average joe Palestinians “tough” questions about their history. The responses you get are very similar to how many people on the left now react when confronted with the dreadful question “What is a woman?”.
Here is a clip of random Palestinians being asked to name a prominent figure in Palestinian history.
They virtually can’t name anyone before the times of Yasser Arafat (who was born and raised in Egypt by the way). And when they do name figures from Ancient History, they are not Palestinians – Saladin was Kurdish and ruled over Syria and Egypt, and Jesus as we all know was a Jew who lived under the rule of the Roman Empire.
Here is another clip confronting them with the question ‘when was Palestine established?’.
Here also they don’t have a definite answer. But just like with the question ‘what is a woman’, they know what is expected of them to say about their country and ancient capital, even though it has no basis in reality. So just like a woman is anyone who claim to be a woman, Palestine may claim anything they want as part of their identity. Even Jesus.
The Bottom Line
This article turned out to be far longer than I originally intended, so allow me to sum it up as bluntly and concisely as I can.
Queers for Palestine are not stupid. They are simply being consistent in upholding and supporting politically motivated, self-proclaimed, retroactively applied, highly inflated, and heavily manipulated pseudo-identities that were designed to serve a narrative of victimhood and oppression.
These pseudo-identities have no solid hold in reality, nor a factual basis in science and history. They are solely based on other existing true identities which they hate and despise because they view them as oppressive, unjust, and corrupt. Despite their hatred, they still took everything they could from their predecessors in order to appear more valid and authentic, yet all they are now is a pale, hollow and distorted reflection of the very thing they wish to overthrow and replace.
The only difference here is that in the case of queer people we are talking about gender identity, and in the case of Palestinians we are talking about national identity.
This really reminds me of what Tolkien said about evil and how it cannot create anything new. Now that I think about it – what I just said also applies to the activists who made Amazon’s Rings of Power and all the other poor remakes made by Hollywood recently.
Maybe that’s another way to look at the Queer and Palestinian struggles. A largely plagiarized, poorly written, horribly casted, and badly acted remakes of the struggles women and Jews actually went through respectively.
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Thanks so much for this superbly illuminating post – and more largely for your work as a whole. I’ve been struggling to make sense of the rainbow flags in anti Israel demonstrations especially ever since last October and it’s been really soothing to read your analysis. I’m not sure how possible it might be to get these people to question their assumptions even ever so slightly, but at least it’s helpful to be able to make sense of them.
Thank YOU so much for reading it! It is quite lengthy, even more than my usual long for content and I really appreciate you taking the time to subscribe and write this comment. I don’t always find the time or the energy to write here, but this comment really motivates me to do better on that front.
I see what you mean about length. We now live in a world where a lot of communication is forcibly squeezed into a certain number of words (often a very low number!), but it’s impossible to discuss such a complex issue at all accurately within such limitations. So thanks again, very sincerely, for giving us breathing space for the mind!
You are totally right about how nowadays complex ideas are overly simplified and compressed into shortform content. That is actually one of the reasons I write here instead of making short videos – it is not only because writing helps me organizing my thoughts, but also because I know that the people who respond to me here actually take the time read it all, and not just troll me after watching ten seconds and hearing something they didn’t like.