
intelligence in Hebrew - Cover

What’s between Hebrew and Intelligence

Intelligence in Hebrew The Hebrew word for intelligence is בִּינָה (bina). It comes from the shoresh ב-י-ן (Bet-Yod-Nun), which also forms the preposition בֵּין (bein) – meaning between. This is not a coincidence. Among other words that employ this shoresh we may find the verb הֵבִין (hevin) which means to understand, the adjective נָבוֹן (navon) […]

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The Curious Case of Microsoft 365 Creative Assets

In the last couple of weeks, I have been working on and off on a PowerPoint presentation for a new course titled Introduction to Mandarin Chinese Pronunciation I plan to teach in Israel. As the name suggests, it is a beginners’ course, and it teaches the fundamental sounds of the languages such as tones, initials,

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Bad Apple - Cover

Bad Apple – Tim Cook’s Dark Soul and Bloody Soles

Tim Cook, in case you didn’t know, is the first recipient of the Anti-Defamation League’s Courage Against Hate award. Apple’s CEO for the last decade was presented the award in December 2018 at ADL’s Never is Now summit, and here is his introduction and the speech he gave (starts at 5:43) at the occasion. Fair

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