
Degenderizing Hebrew Cover

The Israeli Left’s attempts to degenderize Hebrew and why it’s working

Hebrew is a highly gendered language. Hebrew grammar is not only more gendered than that of English and Chinese which barely have any gender elements in their grammar, but it is also arguably more gendered than the grammar of Latin languages such as Spanish, Italian, and French. In recent years we are witnessing a post-modern […]

The Israeli Left’s attempts to degenderize Hebrew and why it’s working Continue Reading

We passed the Pharaoh - Cover Image

Past Intense – the perfect Hebrew expression for Passover

One of my favorite Modern Hebrew expressions, which I teach / review every year when Passover is around the corner, goes like this: What it means is we overcame (literally we passed – עברנו) the Pharoah (פרעה), we shall overcome or pass (נעבור) this (זה) as well (גם). The word את serve as the marker

Past Intense – the perfect Hebrew expression for Passover Continue Reading

Forest Trail

The Daoist Preposition – My favorite Hebrew word

Hebrew has a lot of beautiful words. Some are beautiful because of the way they sound; some are beautiful because of the way they are written; and some are beautiful because of what they describe or the association they create in the listener’s mind. After giving it much thought and a lot of careful consideration,

The Daoist Preposition – My favorite Hebrew word Continue Reading

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