Author name: Hebrew Monk

I write about language and everything else on the speech-mind continuum. Subscribe to the blog, join the conversation and share your thoughts. I am really interested in what you have to say – especially when it comes to other languages.

Law in Hebrew - Cover

The Hebrew Spectrum of Law and Justice and the Language Aspect at its Core

Last week I had the pleasure of attending a Douglas Murray event in Tel Aviv. It was a talk dedicated to the newly published Hebrew edition of his new book ‘The War on the West’ and how it all relates to Israel and everything that has been unfolding in the world since October 7th. As […]

The Hebrew Spectrum of Law and Justice and the Language Aspect at its Core Continue Reading

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No jokes for you! Come back – ONE YEAR!

Jerry Seinfeld, the cocreator of one of my all-time favorite sitcoms, found himself under the spotlight recently. It all happened after he had tried to take back some comments he’s made in the past about the impact the extreme Left and political correctness have on comedy. Here is the clip of his somewhat awkward retraction

No jokes for you! Come back – ONE YEAR! Continue Reading

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The Israeli Left’s attempts to degenderize Hebrew and why it’s working

Hebrew is a highly gendered language. Hebrew grammar is not only more gendered than that of English and Chinese which barely have any gender elements in their grammar, but it is also arguably more gendered than the grammar of Latin languages such as Spanish, Italian, and French. In recent years we are witnessing a post-modern

The Israeli Left’s attempts to degenderize Hebrew and why it’s working Continue Reading

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Heart Burns – The Perfect Chinese Character for Yom Kippur

Sometimes it can be really fun to dissect Chinese character through a Jewish perspective. In the case of the Chinese character 愁 and Yom Kippur, it reveals a surprising semi-coincidental (probably) overlap between the logic of Chinese writing and the Jewish belief system. The Chinese Character for Autumn Meet 秋 (Mandarin pronunciation – qiū) –

Heart Burns – The Perfect Chinese Character for Yom Kippur Continue Reading

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Etymological Tapestry – Why 經 might be my new favorite Chinese character

Up until a couple of weeks ago, if you had asked me what my favorite Chinese character was, I would have probably said 忍 which represents the idea of endurance. The character 忍 is both an associative and a picto-phonetic character, and it consists of two parts. On the bottom we have the heart (心)

Etymological Tapestry – Why 經 might be my new favorite Chinese character Continue Reading

Laughing Stock – 10 funny clips to break in case of emergency

People like to say that laughter is the best medicine. Well, I don’t know about the “best” part, but it certainly is a special type of medicine. Because not only is it free, but it is also contagious. And that is nothing short of a miracle in my book. Other than sneezing, laughing is the

Laughing Stock – 10 funny clips to break in case of emergency Continue Reading

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Gender Jihad – Why Queers for Palestine make total sense

The ‘Queers for Palestine’ movement has been around for several years now, but there’s no doubt it gained a lot of traction and attention after the horrible events of October 7th and the world-wide pro-Palestinian demonstrations that ensued. Don’t believe me? Here’s a Google Trend chart of the last five years for the term Queers

Gender Jihad – Why Queers for Palestine make total sense Continue Reading

Drive Slow - Sa Le'at - Cover

Sa Le’at (Drive Slow) by Arik Einstein (1974) – The most Israeli song ever?

The song סַע לְאַט (sa le’at – go slow or drive slowly) by Arik Einstein came out in 1974, in the aftermath of the Yom Kippur War. Not only is this song beautiful and melodic, but it is also considered by many (me included) to perhaps be the song that best captures the essence of

Sa Le’at (Drive Slow) by Arik Einstein (1974) – The most Israeli song ever? Continue Reading

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