
Talking Trees - cover

Talking Trees and Bushes – Discourse Representation in Hebrew Vegetation

In this post we are going to look into the two types of plants we tend to keep in the garden and help them grow – trees and bushes, and see it related to the concepts of snakes and weeds we examined in a previous post. Bush in Hebrew The Hebrew word for bush or […]

Talking Trees and Bushes – Discourse Representation in Hebrew Vegetation Continue Reading

The Mirror of Galadriel

A Question of Reflection – Between The Mirror of Galadriel and Neo’s Spoon

The Mirror of Galadriel is one of my favorite parts in The Lord of the Rings story. The first time I read the book I was too young to understand its true meaning and hidden symbolism. I simply assumed it was an elven-made crystal ball of sorts, i.e., a mystical device that can pierce through

A Question of Reflection – Between The Mirror of Galadriel and Neo’s Spoon Continue Reading

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